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Upcoming Events.
Stay tuned to our socials for upcoming events!
Past Events:
Te Wiki O Te Reo:
We were greatful to be able to celebrate our language with our tauira from the week of 11-17 September. The theme of Te Wiki being Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori! The week was full of free Kai, Kawhe vouchers and a special performance from the Te Awhioraki Kapa Haka Roopu.
Te Huinga Tauira 2023:
In September we had the privelge of co-hosting Te Huinga Tauira in Canterbury- The National Maori Tertiary Students Conference. This week involved the Te Mana Akonga AGM, Kapa Haka, Workshops and a Sports day. This was the first time Lincoln University has entered a Kapa Haka Roopu since the 1990s, so very humbling and special for all our Tauira to be involved in!

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